Granbury Regional Airport Runway Ribbon Cutting
On November 3rd, Granbury Regional Airport opened only the third new runway at a Texas general aviation airport in the last ten years. The new runway is 5,200 feet long by 75 feet wide. It replaces 3,600 feet long by 60 feet wide runway and will provide the length required for use by business jets.
KSA was engaged by the City of Granbury to complete the design and oversee the construction of the new runway. The project was constructed in two phases. The first phase included clearing of the site, over 600,000 cubic yards of excavation/embankment, drainage structures, and seeding. The second phase included obstruction clearing; paving the new runway, taxiways, and apron; installation of a new electrical vault, runway and taxiway edge lighting, guidance signage, a wind cone, and PAPIs; and installation of a new perimeter fence with both manual and powered gates.
KSA worked closely with the airport during construction to add additional scope to the project. Preparing an aerial survey and coordinating with the FAA allowed for establishing the new RNAV (GPS) approaches to each end of the runway. The runway was opened in coordination with the publication of the new approaches. After the construction of the project's first phase, the airport determined that a new terminal apron was needed to allow for the construction of a terminal near the new runway. KSA designed the new 8,000 square-yard terminal apron/dual entrance taxiways and incorporated this work into phase II of the project. KSA also worked with the airport to identify cost-saving measures prior to the construction of the project. These cost savings measures reduced the project construction cost by approximately $750,000.
During the construction of the runway, the City of Granbury engaged KSA to perform a master plan update that accounts for the construction of the new runway. This master plan update will be utilized to guide the next 20 years of growth at the airport that will come with the construction of the new runway.