Safe Streets For ALL (SS4A) Grants
The program is based on strategies outlined in the Federal Vision Zero initiatives. The goal of this effort, based on eligible projects and activities, is to:
- Develop a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan
- Supplement an existing Plan that does not meet the minimum requirements of a Safety Action Plan
- Carry out projects and strategies identified in a Safety Action Plan
If a MPO or a COG has an Action Plan for all member jurisdictions, this could provide an umbrella for a project (need to coordinate with that COG/MPO).
Applications are due September 15th. There are 3 informational webinars, June 13th (How to Apply), June 15th (Focus on Action Plan Grants) and June 23rd (Focus on Implementation Grants). All webinars will be recorded at www.transportation.gov/grants/SS4A/webinars).
Additional Information:
Although it is a total of $1B, no single state will receive more than 15%. The total allocated for Texas is $150M, of which 40% is dedicated to fund Action Plans; there are no set-asides for rural areas, so a small city is encouraged to partner with neighboring entities to benefit more people. There will be an 80/20 split. Applications that involve one or more agencies are encouraged.
Cities are compared without consideration of size, so small cities should propose big, transformative projects that benefit a lot of people. A strong application is one that proposes to impact a large number of people (city-wide impacts for small communities).
Existing plans, such as Comprehensive Plans and Strategic Plans, may not qualify as Safety Action Plans unless they meet specific criteria. However, funding can be requested to supplement them, as illustrated below:
Fact Sheet: https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/2022-06/SS4A_Action_Plan_Info_Sheet.pdf