Bossier Parish Courthouse Addition and Renovation
KSA served as the prime consultant for the addition and renovation of the Bossier Parish Courthouse in Benton, Louisiana. The project included the coordination of architects, acoustical consultants, security consultants, civil engineers, communication engineers, mechanical and electrical engineers and landscape architects. The space is a high-volume, public use facility that includes lobbies, corridors, courtrooms, assembly space, office suites, a kitchen, vending area and public restrooms. The interior finishes were designed with the use of geometric architecture and were selected for their durability.
Public circulation is critical to the appeal of the space. Wayfinding and circular information strategies were prominent criteria guiding the design process. The facility was designed to be flexible enough to accommodate modern technological upgrades throughout the life of the building. The courthouse’s enlarged façade presented a new face to the Benton community.
For the addition, the building’s interior highlights large panes of glass designed to give the space an open feel. The precast panels utilized in the original structure were replaced with the same large glass pane treatment. By situating the addition to the west of the current building, the addition became the most visually dominant element from the most common direction of approach – allowing it to shine fittingly.
Geometric elements placed in front of the five-story courthouse structure provide dominance and an open and inviting entrance to the building. Great care was given to the overall design of public circulation in the lobby and police jury hearing room to incorporate the use of circular wayfinding. The police jury room is a two-story cylindrical space that radiates outward from the jury’s dais. At ground level, this space opens to the lobby and courtyard with a curvilinear wall of glass. This not only fills the room with natural light during the day, but at night – when many meetings occur – illuminates the grounds.