Hike & Bike Trail Akin Park to 4th Street
To provide continuity in Longview’s trail system, the city hired KSA to link sections of existing trails – a continuation of the trails master plan. The scope of the project included a complete study and environmental investigation in addition to plans, specifications and construction administrative services.
The 10 foot wide, concrete trail included prefabricated steel pedestrian bridges, drainage structures, grading, and three at-grade HAWK pedestrian crossings. Before design began, we facilitated property ownership determination, conducted an alignment study, completed an on-site alignment review, coordinated an assisted in an environmental and archaeological investigation, developed a preliminary engineering report, reviewed and developed cost estimates for alternate routes and design options, as well as produced exhibits and assisted with a public hearing. We facilitated surveys for design acquisition, plats, and descriptions for acquisition. Throughout design, we have considered the goals of multiple interest groups, keeping the owner informed so important decisions can be made in a timely, budget-friendly manner.