Roseland Parkway Roadway, Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Management Design
Roseland Parkway Roadway, Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Management Design
Cost: $5,940,000 (Estimated)
Connectivity is a high priority for the City of Celina as it grows because it affects the outcome of development and quality of life for its residents. With growth throughout the city, new throughfares that are part of the city’s throughfare plan are being designed to meet the city’s mobility and connectivity goals outlined in their comprehensive plan.
KSA was contracted by KFM Engineering and Design to work with the City of Celina to design the new Roseland Parkway thoroughfare from existing County Road 88 and future Choate Parkway to the Collin County Outer Loop, as part of the city’s master thoroughfare plan. This project included 2,700 linear feet of the outer 2-lanes in an interim condition of an ultimate 4-lane divided concrete thoroughfare for Roseland Parkway. The project also included underground storm sewer design including curb inlets, 7,500 linear feet of 12” sanitary sewer line, and 6,000 linear feet of 24” waterline design to service the surrounding Ten Mile Creek development.
With development related projects comes the fast-paced timeline keeping up with developer’s schedule while also producing high quality design plans. We reached 60% design in under 6 weeks. Our team navigated the challenges of changing conditions within adjacent areas impacting the project as designs for developments along the throughfare were still in progress to ensure all projects were in sync and avoid delays to the design schedule.
KFM and their developer team have continued to trust KSA with more development related roadway, drainage, and utility design projects throughout the city and surrounding areas including a 2 mile extension of Choate Parkway just southeast of this project and Celina Parkway at Legacy Hills.
The grading and erosion control bid packages are already in construction, and we are currently working with the city on securing approval for final design plans.
Client Contact: David Pitcher, Senior Project Manager/Principal, 469-899-0262
City Contact: Linda Majeed, Civil Engineer, 469-813-4189