Sewer System Lift Station Replacements
KSA was selected by the City of Marlin to provide sanitary sewer system improvements. The purpose of these improvements was to address the excessive inflow/infiltration and pipe failures within the sanitary sewer collection system, along with unreliable lift stations. The project involved the design and construction services for the rehabilitation of six existing sewer lift stations: the City Park Lift Station, Rock Dam Road Lift Station, Park Street Lift Station, Vernell Street Lift Station, Hobby Unit Lift Station, and McDonalds Lift Station. Funding for the lift station improvements was through the TWDB CWSRF program, and KSA’s engineering services included construction administration, project inspection, construction materials testing, and post construction services. A camera survey of the sewer collection system and the replacement of approximately 4,200 linear feet of gravity sewer collection line were also included in the project.