Alpine Road Water Storage

Alpine Road Elevated Storage Tank

The City of Longview had supplied water through three different pressure zones within the distribution system. The City developed a long term goal for consolidating the pressures zones to reduce pumping and water delivery cost. As part of the long range goals, the City of Longview retained the services of KSA Engineers, Inc to design a new 1 million gallon composite elevated storage tank (EST). The scope of services for the EST project included:

  1. A hydraulic analysis of the distribution system to determine the most advantageous location for the EST.
  2. Projections for future service areas to determine the elevation of the EST.
  3. Development of the plan to relocate the hydraulic divisions within the distribution system (locate pressure planes).
  4. Assist the City with acquiring the EST property.
  5. Survey of overflow elevations of the City’s existing EST’s.
  6. Engineering design services.
  7. Design survey.
  8. Construction administration services.
  9. Resident Project Representative services.
  10. Coordination between the construction of the EST as well as design and construction of distribution system improvements under a separate contract.

The original construction contract for the Alpine Road EST was awarded for $1,373,700.00 the final construction price was for $1,358,254.00.

Joncie Young, P.E.

The original construction contract for the Alpine Road EST was awarded for $1,373,700.00 the final construction price was for $1,358,254.00. The original construction contract time was 480 days and the job was completed in 580 days. The project included 1 change order adding logo painting, piping modifications, lighting, and SCADA intruder alarms, however, cost savings during construction reduced the overall construction price.

City of Longview, Texas
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