North Angelina County Regional Wastewater Facility (NAC RWF) Collection System Expansion and Headworks Improvements
KSA was selected by North Angelina County Regional Wastewater Facility (NAC RWF) to design a Collection System Expansion and Headworks Improvement project to provide first time sewer service to approximately 115 residential homes. The purpose of this project was to eliminate the existing on-site sewage facilities that were failing the residents. This project addressed the Public Health Threat issued by the TCEQ and Angelina County by decommissioning an abandoned and failing wastewater treatment facility serving 41 homes in the Redland Estates Subdivision and replacing it with a sewer lift station connected to the regional wastewater system.
KSA designed the installation of ten sewage lift stations, over 52,000 linear feet of sewage collection lines, a new mechanical screen, an influent lift station at the NAC RWF, a new entrance road to NAC RWF, and associated appurtenances. These improvements and designs for the NAC RWF were secured through funding from the TWDB through the CWSRF program. The final funding came in with a 70% loan principle forgiveness.
The size of this project made the design phase critical to the overall success and optimization of the system operations. The expansion stretched over five miles from the NAC RWF to the most remote lift station. The remote lift station is comprised of three sewage force mains in excess of approximately one to two miles in length. In order to minimize the damage to existing county roads, approximately 21,000 linear feet of sewer line was installed using trenchless methods.
This first time sewer service that serves approximately 115 homes was successful after meeting the design goals set forth, eliminating the on-site sewage facility, and eliminating the Public Health Threat associated with the Redland Estates Wastewater Facility. The design was completed within the schedule by the TWDB, and construction was also completed within schedule.