James McKenzie, P.E.

James McKenzie is in our McKinney, Texas office. He serves as a Senior Project Manager for the Aviation Practice Group. From a young age, James knew that he wanted to do something technical for a career and the idea of civil engineering with an aviation focus was briefly mentioned to him while attending Texas A&M University. While working on roadway projects, a door opened for him to work on aviation related projects. He quickly became invested and has spent years pursuing aviation work ever since.
While working on the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport taxiway perimeter project, James realized how a project that requires years of planning and input from dozens of people work. In this role, he was given the opportunity to solve complex technical problems. His experience with airside and landside projects that required significant coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration, while also being constrained by client schedules, budget, and additional requirements, makes him a perfect Senior Project Manager in KSA’s Aviation Practice Group.