Whitesboro Strategic Plan
Whitesboro, Texas population 4,078 is located on US 82 between Sherman and Gainesville. With urban sprawl spreading north from the Dallas metro area, Whitesboro is expected to grow significantly over the next 10-15 years. Due to this expectancy, city leaders determined that proactive strategic planning would be necessary in order to ensure growth was properly managed. KSA was hired to help the city develop a 10-year strategic plan, vision and branding strategy that would provide a roadmap for the city’s future.
After initial needs assessment meetings with the EDC Board and the City Council, KSA developed a customized engagement and planning process that involved engagement meetings with key stakeholders and leaders followed by a 2-day planning workshop. During the engagement meetings an interview questionnaire was utilized to ascertain the key issues and drivers impacting the city as well as an assessment of the city’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats typically referred to as a SWOT analysis.
On day one of the two-day planning workshop involving 15 key leaders selected by the EDC Director, the participants developed the city’s future vision, values and 5 big bold steps. Results from the engagement meetings were used as a basis for formulating discussion and agreement on key priorities and the overall direction of the plan which included answers to questions such as the following:
- Amenities—What kind and mix of amenities would be needed to attract and sustain growth e.g., housing, parks and recreation, entertainment, downtown revitalization etc.?
- Land Use—Where and how should these amenities be developed in a manner consistent with properly managed growth e.g., zoning and development guidelines?
- Funding--How would growth be funded and financed e.g., designing and implementing development impact fees, bond referendums, etc.
On day two, the bold steps were further developed into detailed action plans that became the core elements of the strategic plan. By utilizing an ‘action plan’ format, the plan became a ‘living document’ that could be implemented and updated on a systematic basis.
The client’s feedback provides the best view of the results achieved by this process.
"We thought we had a plan in our heads, but not sure what, when or where to go with our thoughts. You and your team took us on a journey that was filled with enjoyment and amazement that brought us together and helped us find our Mission Statement. The benefit this plan has given us a foundation for Whitesboro to see a vision down the road that we would have had great difficulty in finding if not for you and your team."
- Mike Haynie, Type A President, City of Whitesboro EDC
"I wasn’t sure what to expect going into the retreat. In all of my years of upper management and “planning” meetings, there’s been too many people with their own ideas not willing to budge, and those groups were a lot less than 15 people! I thought the way that you facilitated the retreat was remarkable. You and the team did very well. I was quite impressed and would be a cheerleader for you and KSA if ever you needed one! I can’t wait to continue working towards our goals, and I, as well as many others, are grateful for the services you have provided thus far."
- Colby Meals, City Council Member and EDC Board Member, City of Whitesboro