Aging Infrastructure
The gift of time goes hand-in-hand with the burden of responsibility and maintenance. Many of our country’s water systems, for example, were put in place in the 50s and 60s before the establishment of the Clean Water Act, which regulates the discharge of pollutants and the quality of surface waters. These systems alone are in dire need of attention. As these systems – and other physical structures and facilities – age, they must be evaluated and given the proper care to avoid failures that result in unnecessary expenditures in an emergency situation.
Decades of experience bring with it a keen level of understanding. We know funding is limited and infrastructure needs are many. So, whenever possible, we opt to repair and repurpose structures rather than starting from scratch. At a wastewater plant, for example, old clarifiers can be repurposed and used for chlorination or aeration, saving valuable time and resources. At KSA, we take the time to investigate cost and asset-saving alternatives that achieve the same end goal, for far less money. When compliance agencies come knocking on your door, don’t panic. Many municipalities run into trouble when these agencies get involved because they are fearfully persuaded to overspend. Our engineers think critically and devise reasonable solutions that comfortably fit into your financial plan. We delight in finding creative ways to save you money.

The decision to replace or repair can be a difficult one. Let KSA walk you through the process of determining the correct answer.
Your city’s infrastructure is a valuable commodity that should be preserved and protected. Our geographic information system (GIS) specialists can take a detailed inventory of your community’s infrastructure. From there, we can conduct a condition assessment to determine the state of these structures and facilities. With that information, we can determine what needs to be updated or upgraded, and prioritize those needs according to the budget. This type of asset management provides a framework to determine how much of the city’s budget should be dedicated to infrastructure maintenance.