Every airport has its own identity. We work hard to make sure your airport meets the demand of its unique community. We take the time to understand your airport system and deliver practical engineering designs that meet your needs and comply with local, state and FAA standards.
Our knowledge and experience with airfield paving assignments sets us apart from the rest. In addition to using FAA pavement design criteria, our pavement specialists and project engineers carefully consider operational impact during construction and design for minimal interference. We also work with airport management and stakeholders to integrate form and economy into each pavement design. As it becomes more difficult to acquire aviation funding assistance, our pavement experts give us an edge over the competition by providing economically sound, fundable pavement designs.

Airport Pavement Inspection at East Texas Regional Airport; Longview, Texas.
Navigational Aids and Lighting
Pilots often rely on navigational aids (navaids) to safely maneuver to and around the runway. Many types of navaids are available today, each offering specific benefits to the pilot. It’s our job to consider your users, sight lines, imaginary surfaces, height clearances and landscape to create thoughtful navaid recommendations. We have purposefully hired airport engineers and planners that are commercial flight rated to provide us with a dynamic perspective we wouldn’t otherwise have. We see airport projects as they should be seen: from the sky! Airfield lighting includes runway and taxiway edge lights and supporting lighting communication systems like electrical vaults. These are important components of your airport lighting system. KSA stays on top of emerging trends and new technologies. Our electrical engineers have designed systems using LED options as well as traditional incandescent systems.